From the moment the cameras panned to the nation’s First Lady Michelle Obama as the President commended her efforts on childhood obesity during tonight’s State of the Union, my eyes welled with tears as I saw a member of the US military in his dress blues applauding with one arm. Immediately I knew something horrible must have happened to him in battle, and his arm was either wounded or gone.

The tears returned each time he was in the line of the camera, his injuries becoming more apparent. President Obama acknowledged him as Cory Remsburg, an Army Ranger injured on his 10th deployment, at the end of the SOTU. I felt sorrow for him, his friends and family, and an overwhelming sense of guilt that I was able to sit in the comfort of my own home, healthy and safe, while he had clearly made a sacrifice for me and my country. It felt personal.
And it should feel personal!
Not that I’ve never thought about it before, but Cory and his sacrifice reminded me of how fortunate we are to live in this country, how grateful we should be to those who serve and protect this country alongside Cory, and how we’ve got to stop making such a big deal over the things that just don’t matter.
Thank you to every US soldier-past, present and future. You each deserve a standing ovation like Cory received in front of our nation tonight.
So what does this have to do with educational technology? Well, really… nothing. It was just something I felt extremely passionate about and wanted to get out. I do however think this is a great reminder for myself and others for two reasons.
- Thank the people that deserved to be thanked. Show gratitude and appreciation. Be genuinely thankful for what you have.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff! If your internet page won’t load, your computer runs out of battery, or the YouTube video won’t play… big deal! Life will go on and you’ll still be here. Not everyone can say this about their job. Just ask Cory.
I hope you’ll take this opportunity to thank a soldier, whether you know them or not, for making a sacrifice those of us have not made cannot even begin to comprehend.
I’ll close by expressing my sincere appreciation to current members and veterans of the US Armed Forces that I know personally. Thank you, Grandpa. Thank you, Aunt Julie. Thank you, Uncle Tom. Thank you, Larry. Thank you, Cari. And last but not least, thank you to my cousin Matthew, who left for Marines basic training this past Monday.
Tech To You Later!