My Backwards EdTech Flow Chart (to the right) has been very useful to many people at schools, universities and in multiple countries. It inspired me to make an online version that was much easier to update. Click an icon below based on what you are trying to accomplish or a task you want your students to complete. You will be taken to a list of suggested tools to use for that particular task. In some cases, there are follow up yes or no questions; if you do not see a list of web tools next to the yes or no icon, click the icon to be taken to another follow up question to find the perfect tool for you. This page displays best in desktop mode.
What are you, or your students, trying to accomplish?
Helpful Charts
Please use the following charts to help you select the right educational technology tool for your tasks. Click any image for the PDF with clickable links.
Backwards EdTech Flow Chart

Web 2.0 and Blooms Taxonomy