5 EdTech Tools in 5 Minutes: Episode 9

Back in October of 2013, I started this 5 in 5 video podcast series for a very brief overview of 5 edtech tools each month. The idea is that teachers don’t always have the time (who am I kidding? They very rarely have the time…) to investigate and look into the 100s of 1000s of new classroom technology tools to use. That doesn’t mean they don’t want to use them; they just don’t have the time to check them out and find the right tool.  My hope is that these five minute (okay, okay, less than six minutes) screencasts will give enough information about each tool that educators can determine if it’s worth their time looking into a little more. By no means do I cover every feature the tool offers, but just enough to get your feet wet and decide if you want to look into it later!

This episode features the following tools:

  1. Google Forms
  2. Flubaroo
  3. Kaizena
  4. Bitly
  5. Blendspace

For the video, the Prezi, Symbaloo links to all the sites featured in this episode and all 5 in 5 episodes, visit my 5 in 5 page. If you don’t want to miss another episode, subscribe to the iTunes podcast channel here.


Tech To You Later!

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