ISTE’s Ed Tech Coaches (ETC) leadership team has put together a webinar series as an extension from the ISTE 2016 ETC Playground. If you weren’t able to make the conference in Denver, or you’d like a refresh on some of the sessions you saw, sign up for these short, 30 minute webinars. The webinars will be scheduled for 1 hour, with the first 30 minutes dedicated to content presentation, and the second 30 minutes available for Q&A. It’s a quick, easy way to get some relevant PD!
All webinars will be the second Tuesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. Eastern.
September 13 – Shaina Glass – 1st Things 1st from the Former FIRST Year iTech
October 11 – Charles Randolph – From Teacher to Instructional Technology Coach
November 8 – Kitty Tripp – Screencasting: Saving and Extending Your Life!
January 10 – Leslie Fagin and Robin Harris – Becoming a Google Ninja Master: Online Professional Development for Teachers
February 14 – Jakki Wiseman and Nicole Robinson – Sending out an S.O.S! (Specific, On-Time, & Suited to Their Needs-PD)
March 14 – Alissa DeVito – Many Teachers, One Coach
April 11 – Carla Jefferson, Regina Schaffer, Patricia Brown – Twitter and Voxer and Slack, Oh My! Using Social Media Platforms For PD
To register for the webinars, go to!

To access the archives, log in to the ISTE Ed Tech Coaches PLN area, go to the Library tab and then find the Webinar Archives folder (archive links only good for one year).
You do have to be a member of ISTE and to join Ed Tech Coaches (free with ISTE membership) to view the archives. Joining ISTE and the Ed Tech Coaches PLN has been one of the best things I’ve done for my career as a tech coach, so I highly recommend it! If you’re already a part of ISTE, check out the image to the right on how you can join the EdTech Coaches for free.
What topics do you need PD in as an integration coach?
Tech To You Later!