The Core of Coaching Framework
This blog was originally posted to the Forward Edge blog, and written by my colleague Katie Maciulewicz. As instructional coaches, our main goal is to make a difference in the lives of teachers and students […]
This blog was originally posted to the Forward Edge blog, and written by my colleague Katie Maciulewicz. As instructional coaches, our main goal is to make a difference in the lives of teachers and students […]
This was originally published on the Forward Edge blog here. The US Office of Educational Technology has released the latest version of the National Education Technology Plan (NETP), which highlights the latest research, classroom realities, national trends, […]
A recent survey of nearly 1,000 educators from all 50 states shows that teachers WANT more online, on-demand opportunities for professional learning that cater toward their individual needs, yet they still largely aren’t being provided […]
If you follow my blog, you know I am a huge believer in the importance of positive working relationships between instructional coaches and school administrators, especially building principals, to really maximize the impact coaching can […]
Much of this post is taken from my research on instructional coaching. For the full publication, please visit the Vanderbilt Repository. Professional development can take a wide variety of forms, but instructional coaching, in particular, […]
Instructional coaching is most effective when instructional coaches work with district and building leaders to align their efforts to school goals and encourage teachers to work with the coach 1,2,3,4. A few months ago, I wrote […]
My capstone research for my Ed.D. at Vanderbilt University centered around instructional coaching, and more specifically, the professional learning needs of coaches. I was so fortunate to work with the team of coaches at Lakota […]
I have been supporting technology integration as a tech coach and leading tech coaches for going on ten years. And for nearly ten years, I have combatted the mistaken break fix or single platform identity. […]
Instructional coaching is most effective when district and building leaders work together with the coach(es) to align their efforts to school goals and encourage teachers to work with the coach 1,2,3,4. Furthermore, district leaders need […]
Instructional coaching of teachers has become a promising form of high quality professional development over the past few decades. Yet, after nearly 40 years of schools investing in instructional coaching, the role still varies drastically […]