Founding #ETCoaches Blogging Buddies

Two weeks ago, ISTE’s Ed Tech Coaches PLN introduced Blogging Buddies: a place for edtech coaches (and those tasked with helping teachers integrate technology) to connect, network and learn from other coaches via blogging (if you aren’t familiar with Blogging Buddies, check out my post here). Well, the first groups have been announced and they are pretty awesome!

Within the first two weeks, we had 59 people and almost 12 groups formed. Those 59 people come from 10 countries and 21 states! I was really excited that almost all of the initial groups ended up with people from two different countries and no two people were from the same state (or even states that bordered one another). Sign ups will remain open throughout the year to form new groups. See this document for more information if you’re interested in joining Blogging Buddies. Keep reading to see the founding #ETCoaches Blogging Buddies!

a map of the founding Blogging Buddies

I have to start with my group… EdTech #GirlPower right here!

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 6

Group 7

Group 8

Group 9

Group 10

Group 11

Group 12

You can follow all the Blogging Buddies on Twitter here. If you are a tech coach (or assume any responsibility of a tech coach) at your school, I hope you’ll consider joining us. We technology integration coaches need to stick together!

Tech To You Later!

One thought on “Founding #ETCoaches Blogging Buddies

  1. Hi Katie,

    This is a great introduction to Blogging Buddies. What a fantastic network of people! I’m enjoying getting to know everyone and learning from the teams. I will be checking out all of these blogs over the next few weeks, starting with you and my awesome team. I love finding amazing new blogs to follow!

    Thanks again for all that you do!



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