Google Earth for the Web (and on Chromebooks!)

So you’ve probably heard about the new Google Earth for the web and Chromebooks that Google launched in April?! If not, you can read about it here. It is AH-mazing! Prior to this new launch, you had to download a separate program to use Google Earth. Since it required a download, it could not be used on Chromebooks. Well now there is a full web-based version, so you can start traveling the world in 3D from your classrooms (or living room when you need a little dose of tropical relief like me)!

A few months ago, I wrote about connecting students to the curriculum through Google Tour Builder. There are so many applications for using Google Earth technology in just about every subject area. When I wrote the post about Tour Builder, I had not been able to successfully figure out how to import KMZ/KML files from Google Earth into Tour Builder, so you could reuse previously created Google Lit Trips, Google Earth Walks, etc. Problem solved with the web based version of Google Earth!

Check out the short video below for an overview on the new Google Earth.

How do you use Google Earth in your classes?

Tech To You Later!

One thought on “Google Earth for the Web (and on Chromebooks!)

  1. Katie,
    I am so excited about the web based Google Earth. I have it on my list of tech tools to learn this summer. I can’t wait to get started. Robin and I are presenting at the National Council of Teachers of English Conference in November on Digital Storytelling and Google TourBuilder. Now with the new Google Earth, there are so many things that can be added to our presentation. Yay!!!

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